Real Estate by Scott J. Miller

2021 Holiday Entertaining Bootcamp

Guest post written by Laura McHolm Chief of Organized Living & NorthStar Moving Company Co-Founder 

Like last year, this year is different than the norm when it comes to gathering with friends and family. Many of us are still working from home which is challenging during extended family stays. And, let’s face it, we aren’t exactly in hosting shape.

Back in 2020 your dining room loosened its belt to become a zoom room, office, workstation and study hall. Or, your bedroom and living room decided to gorge on clutter, serving as both a sleeping or living space as well as a home office. Thanks to your new work-at-home lifestyle, files and papers have found a permanent home in unusual places. Your home needs bootcamp.

To conquer the holidays in this unique era and make it the joyous occasion we have all been patiently waiting for, reshape your home. Get it moving, bending and slimming down. Set aside time to step back and look at the space in your home from all angles. Wow, where’d all that clutter come from? Envision your home as a place where you are proud to invite guests. It’s all about bringing your home back to pre-COVID shape, but with new and improved features.

Here’s a guide to shape and tone your home back into sleek and sexy holiday shape, even when working from home!

By following these exercises, your home will be back in running condition. Now that your house is in shape, make sure all of your holiday guests stay in shape too. Educate yourself and family members on the latest  COVID travel guidelines and ask your doctor what is best for your family given your health histories and holiday travel. Communicate very clearly your house rules with all of your guests. Perhaps, send out an email with your COVID rules before your guests make their travel plans. This way everyone understands the house stay fit rules before they come to your home.

You have created the space, peace of mind and perfect backdrop in your home for the holidays. Now, swing open the doors and let the love and joy of season pour in to fill your home and your heart!